Aug 26, 2012


"Expanding our understanding of forgiveness"


This morning we're going to talk about another way of looking at forgiveness as the Course talks about it. Also exclusively in the Course we are told that: we have to forgive our brothers, we have to forgive what people have done to us, we have to forgive all people that can't be any exceptions to our forgiveness. And of course our relationships clearly constitute the most significant, important classrooms in our learning, since our own unconscious guilt almost invariably tends to be projected out to people, and certainly the significant people in our life. But there is another way of looking at forgiveness, which is even more embracing.

你可能還記得練習手冊前面的那幾課,耶穌提到如何以不同的眼光來觀看房間裡的各種東西。其中有一課就要我們去「觀看垃圾桶、衣架、手指」等等。(W-pI. 29. 5) 也就是說,先不管手指,它們其實都是我們所認為的無生命物體,相對於人類、動物、植物等有生命的生物,在我們的世界中它們都屬於非生物的範圍。

You may recall the early Workbook lessons. Jesus talks about looking at the objects in the room differently. One lesson has this "look at the waste paper basket or coat hanger, hand, etc." In other words, setting aside the hand for the moment, they would be the things that we think of as being inanimate. Things in our world that are non-living in contrast with the animate, which would be the things that are living: human beings, animals, plants, etc..

當我們瞭解「投射」是怎麼一回事之後──意即由於觀念離不開它的源頭 (W-pI. 132 5:3),因此在我們的心靈之外全無一物──就會明白唯一的問題是:心靈選擇了罪咎。在我們的心靈中,罪咎就跟上主的愛、寬恕和救贖一樣,都是抽象而不具體的念頭,只有在投射出去之際才會顯得具體。如果問題真出在這裡,那麼投射的對象是誰就無所謂了。我們所投射的對象無論是人、寵物、烤麵包機、汽車、電腦還是食物,都是一樣的,因為問題從來都不在外面 (世界),而是在裡面 (心靈)。

When we understand what projection is, that there is literally nothing outside of our mind, because ideas leave not the source. (W-pI. 132 5:3) And the only problem is the mind's decision for guilt, which is an abstract non-specific thought in our mind, as His love, as forgiveness, as atonement. They only become specific when we project them out. If that is the problem, then it makes no difference onto what object the guilt is put on. Whether we are talking about a person, whether we are talking about a pet, whether we are talking about a toaster or automobile, or computer, whether we are talking about some food, it makes no difference what the object our projection is, since the problem is never what is outside, the problem is always what is inside.

這正是第 21 章開頭中學員很熟悉的那句:「不要設法去改變世界,而應決心改變你對世界的看法」。(T-21. in. 1:7) 再重複一次,真正的問題絕不是外在的問題,因為觀念離不開它的源頭。耶穌在練習手冊中的某個段落也提到,這即是課程中的核心概念。 (W-pI. 132 5:3-4) 若未理解「觀念離不開它的源頭」,就無法真正懂這部課程。重點就在於問題從來都不在外面,而是心靈選擇了小我。這才是問題之所在。也就是第 79 課和 80 課中所說的:問題只有一個,也就是我們相信了分裂,而救贖則是唯一的解決之道。

That is why there is the line most Course students know very well: "Seek not to change the world but choose to change your mind about the world" (T-21. in. 1:7), at the beginning of Chapter 21. The problem is never what is outside, because once again, the ideas leave not their source. There is one passage in Workbook lesson, where Jesus refers it as the central concept in the Course. (W-pI. 132 5:3-4) Without understanding "the ideas leave not their source", there is no way of understanding anything in this Course. Because the gist of that is again, the problem is never outside, the problem is the mind's decision for the ego. That is the problem. That is why the lessons 79 and 80 say: there is only one problem, that's the belief in separation, there is only one solution as the atonement.


So again, it doesn't matter what we project onto, so that it's just as important for our atonement path, and our progress on the atonement path, and as we go through our day, we not only monitor our mind's unkind, unloving judgmental thoughts towards the other people, but also towards the objects in our life. So, if my car doesn't start in the morning, I will get angry at the car. That's unforgiveness. That is just as detrimental to our spiritual growth, as being angry at the one who left the lights on so the car doesn't start.


If our computer jams and locks up, and we start to get impatient with the computer, we are saying: the reason I'm not at peace is because my computer has locked up. Again, that's the lie. So when we are speaking about not believing the ego's lies, that's a very great example that the reason I'm upset is because my computer locked up, I did not invite Jesus with me as I was sitting at my desk. If I had, and I felt his love beside me, then when my computer locked up, I would do whatever was needed to get the computer up and running again, but I would not be impatient, not be angry, not be annoyed. I would not feel: "why does this always happen to me".


If my toaster malfunctions, my toaster in the morning is burned, I would not get angry at the toaster. If there's traffic on the highway, I will be late for a very important appointment, I won't be impatient. Being impatient doesn't help me get to the appointment more quickly. If someone cuts me off, I won't be angry at that person. So whether we are talking about a person, or talking about a thing, it should make no difference, so that our forgiveness lessons should become as generalized as we could possibly make them. To include anything outside of us, animate or inanimate, that we believe has an effect on us: making us happy, making as peaceful, making us angry, bringing us pain, bringing us pleasure. Since again, ideas leave not their source. The problem is the idea of separation or the idea of guilt that our mind has chosen. That is the problem, not what gets projected onto.


So this will help us really broaden our understanding, not only the Course's metaphysical principles, but certainly broaden our understanding of how they are to be applied in our daily life. And it will really speed us along the atonement path and bring us home.

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