Aug 15, 2012


"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"

有一句重要的古希臘哲言,通常被認為出自於哲人斐羅 (Philo),但有時也會出現在柏拉圖的討論中。它是這麼說的:「待人要仁慈,因為你所遇到的每個人都正在打一場硬仗。」這就是我們今天下午要討論的主題。待人要仁慈,因為你所遇到的每個人都正在打一場硬仗,這個概念當然也能用奇蹟課程的觀點來探討。這句話中有兩個關鍵詞:一個當然是「仁慈」;另一個則是「每個人」──「每個人」都正在打一場硬仗。

There is an important line from the ancient's usually a tribute to Philo but sometimes at the Platonist's object on the workshop on it. It says: "be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." And that's the theme for this afternoon. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle, and that idea certainly could be taken right on the Course in Miracles. There are two key terms in that saying. One is kindness of course: "to be kind". And the other is "everyone": everyone is fighting a hard battle.

在第 182 課「我願安靜片刻,回歸家園」的開頭,就描述了:我們都在打這場硬仗,身處於一個並非家園的世界,在這物質宇宙中,感到自己只是個住在一具身體裡的異鄉人。然而就在我們正念中的某處,我們都知道那不是自己的家,天鄉才是真正的家。而在這個世界中,我們真正的家就在包含了救贖原則的正念當中。它告訴我們,分裂從未發生,因此那分裂一念的投射──這世界──也不曾存在。

The beginning of Lesson 182, "I will be still an instant and go home", is all about how we all fight in the same hard battle of being in a world that is not our home, feeling an alien, in a body and in a physical universe that somewhere inside of us in our right minds, we know that it is not our home. Our real home is heaven. And in this world, our real home is in the right mind that contains with it the principle of atonement, that tells us the separation never happened, and therefore the projection of the separation thought never happened either - the world.

所以整部課程都一直在重複告訴我們,每個人都需要獲得寬恕,因為每個人都在同一條悲慘的船上。教師手冊的前面部分提到,成為上主之師所具備的主要特質就是「把別人的福祉與自己的福祉視為同一回事」(M-1. 1:1-2)。我們當然共享同樣的福祉、同樣的需求,在心靈中具有一樣的目標,相同的意向,也就是認出:我們不是一起回家,就是一起回不了家──因為我們都「同在」一條悲慘的小我之船上。

So throughout the Course, we are told repeatedly that everyone needs to have forgiveness. Everyone is in the same miserable boat. In the teacher's manual, in the beginning we are told that the chief characteristics of a teacher of God, that makes him or her a teacher of God is that they do not see others interests as separated from their own. (M-1. 1:1-2) Of course we all share the same interest, the same need. We have the same end in mind. We have the same purpose that we share. And that is to somehow recognize that we go home together or not at all. That we are all in the same miserable ego boat TOGETHER.

我們由一體而分裂,也終將回歸一體,這就是課程所謂的「基督再度來臨」。但我們必須先在個人層面上做到,才能在集體層面上達成。這也是教師手冊中所說的:拯救世界只需要一位上主之師,因為上主只有一個愛子。每個人都要以一個看似個體的身分,以一個看似分裂的心靈,認出原來我們全都一樣。若聖子奧體中有其中一人承受了我的憤怒、不滿,或特殊性 (特殊之愛與特殊之恨),就等於是將整個聖子奧體──包括我自己、耶穌和每個我所批判的人──都排除在「免於小我」(ego-free) 的範圍外了。我們全都一樣:既是一樣的小我、也是一樣的聖靈,更具有一樣的心靈力量,在其中做出抉擇。

We separated as one, and we will return as one. That's what the Course calls the "second coming". But before we do that collectively, we need to do that individually. That's what the manual means by saying that there is only one teacher that needs to save the world, because there is only one son. And each of us must do it as a seeming individual, with a seemingly separated mind, recognizing that we are all the same. And to assume one person from the sonship, by virtue of my anger or my displeasure with them, or my specialness - my special love, my special hate, means I exclude the whole sonship - including myself, including Jesus, and including anyone else that I judged to be ego-free. We are all the same - the same ego, the same holy spirit, and the same power to choose between them.


Everyone we meet is fighting a hard battle. Therefore, we should be kind. Why do you want to attack someone who is already attacking himself? He is attacking himself simply by believing he or she is here. And if I'm unkind to you, I must be unkind to me, because we are all one. The ideas leave not the source; projection makes perception. Both of these are kind of kissing cousins. Ideas leave not their source. The source of separation has never left the source of mind, and in the mind's experience there is no world out there. But when I think there is a separated thought that's real in my mind, and I project it out and that's what I will perceive, believing that the projection works.


I can get rid of the unkindness towards myself, which is where the guilt is born that I have been unkind to myself, and unkind to my creator and source. That basic unkindness then is in my mind and I believe I can project it out. And because I think I can project it out, I believe I perceive it in others. And I make them unkind, I can it "sin". And therefore they do not deserve my kindness, because they are inherently unkind. And I forget that I've made them unkind. I'm not responsible for the choices of ego the other people make, but I'm responsible for "wanting them to make it". And I'm certainly responsible for perceiving the ego in them instead of seeing the right mind, seeing the ego as the defense against the right mind.


So I should be kind to everyone, well the Course says "every living thing". I should be kind to everyone and everything, because everyone is in the same ego boat. I believe we have sin against our source. Our override is written with guilt, and therefore the only way we can escape from that guilt is to project it out, and see it all around us but no longer in ourselves.


So the way I've learned that I'm forgiven is to be forgiving. The way I learned to realize that we are all the same is to be kind to everyone without exception. That's why there is no order of difficulty in miracles. Every kindness in this context is a miracle. And everyone deserves kindness because everyone is in pain. Everyone is fighting the same hard battle of trying to survive in an alien world that we have made up but then have forgotten that we have done it.

容我再說一次,我們全都身處於同一個可悲的情況,誠如第 182 課的開頭所述,耶穌說:「每一個人都知道我們說的是什麼」。每當談論及此,我們的心中都明白,我們都知道自己在這裡是個多麼格格不入的異鄉人。因此,我們都需要寬恕,它慈愛的仁慈之聲會溫柔地告訴我們:這不過是個錯誤,這只是個噩夢。因此,請仁慈待人,因為你所遇到的每一個人都在打一場硬仗──那也是你的硬仗,也是我們的硬仗;因為我們不是一起攜手離開這個戰場,就是共同留在這裡苦戰到底。

We are all in the same, again, terrible situation of the beginning of Lesson 182 describes, that Jesus says: "No one but knows whereof we speak." But when we speak up, we all know. We all are aware of how alien we are. So we all need that loving kindness of forgiveness that tells us that it is just a mistake; it was just a bad dream. So please, be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - your hard battle, our hard battle. And we leave this hard battle together, or not at all.

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