"Looking at the ego"
A major thing with the Course, in fact, is the kernel of forgiveness, is that we look at the ego, and we look at the ego without judging it. That's why I want to talk about the potential for that concept to be to a two-edged sword. I'm meaning while on the one hand, it really is the way of getting past the ego - that's the major, major thing of the Course, and have Jesus's teaching to us and his guidance to us. On the other hand, one can fall in a trap of becoming so enamored of the ego, that one just keeps looking, and looking, and looking, and never letting it go.
I remember when we were in Roskow, when we have our conference center in Roskow, which was on a lovely lake. And I used an example once in the class, because the conference overlooked the lake. And I said as if we jump into the water and our goal is to get to the other side, which is ultimately the real world, and forgiveness being one process to swim across the lake. The lake being the image of the ego's thought system, and again forgiveness helps us get through it. But the danger is that when one jumps into the water and begins to kind of go down in the water to the bottom of the lake, one can be so enamored of the underwater life, the foam and the different fish, etc., that one forgets that the goal is to get to the other side. And that's the danger of looking at the ego.
我還記得我們在德國羅斯科 (Roskow) 的會議,會議中心就在一座美麗的湖上。由於在那會議上我們可以鳥瞰整片湖泊,因此我在課堂上曾舉過一個例子:假設我們縱身跳進水裡,目標是抵達象徵著真實之境的對岸,而寬恕就是我們橫越湖泊游到對岸的過程。這座湖的意象代表著小我的思想體系,而寬恕則是讓我們抵達對岸的方式。然而我們可能會遇到一個危機,在跳入水中之後,就不知不覺地游向水深之處,直往湖底游去。水底的世界,無論是泡沫也好,或是各式各樣的魚群等等,都可能讓我們深深著迷,而遺忘了自己的目標是對面的岸上。這就是觀看小我可能的危險之處。
What we forget so often is no matter how horrific the ego's thought system is, and nonetheless, it is our thought system. It's a thought system not only that we have embraced by believing it, it's the thought system we have identified with. So in fact, as the story of Narcissus in the famous Greek myth, we look at our image in the water, and we don't take our eyes off it. And we end up starving to death, because we don't want to do anything but just look at this wonderful image of ourselves in the water, not thinking it first it's ourselves.
無論小我的思想體系多麼驚悚恐怖,我們仍舊如此健忘,然而那終究都是我們的思想體系。藉著相信這個思想體系,我們不只欣然擁抱了它,還深深與之認同。因此,正如同著名希臘神話中的美少年納西瑟斯 (Narcissus) 一般,我們便這麼看著自己在水中的倒影,而難以將目光抽離。由於除了盯著水中自己那美妙的身影之外什麼也不想做,最後將因此餓死,甚至從未意識到那身影其實是我們自己。
In the senses that we often do with the ego, we become intrigued by the ego. And we become intrigued by the complexity, the subtlety, the different ways that the ego works, and indeed the different ways that the ego seems to satisfy our needs through our special love relationships, indeed for our special hate relationships as well. Since we all love to hate and to judge, that we forget the purpose is to look at these and declare their lack of reality, their fundamental lack of existence. And instead, by constantly looking, we can end up making them real.
What helps us not fall into that trap is to continue hear Jesus say to us: not only that the ego is X, Y and Z, and I want you to really understand why we choose X, Y and Z, but to recognize the cost to us when we choose the ego's X, Y and Z. It's the thought system of separation, specialness, and judgement - and also pain, suffering and death. That the reason for is that we are afraid of disappearing into the heart of God. We are afraid of losing this special, individual, unique self that we called by our own name.
And so it's not only looking at the ego with Jesus that is important, it's also recognizing the cost to us of remaining with the ego. This will help then overturn what the ego is trying to have us do, to become so enamored of it that we never let it go. Jesus's wanting us to recognize that what we want to do is to look at the ego, and once again realized the cost to us of still remaining in the ego.
So yes, we do want to look at the ego, we do want to understand the purpose that the ego has served in our lives by maintaining and preserving our special identity, but we also want to be in touch with what it is costing us. Nothing in this world can make us happy. Nothing in this world can truly ease the pain of feeling alone, alienated in an unkind hostile world. Nothing in this world can give us the peace of God. Nothing of the ego's thought system would ever give us what we truly want. And it's recognizing that and our looking at that with Jesus right beside us, that we realize that "I don't want to keep swimming in this water. I want to get to the other side. I don't want to keep diving deeper and deeper into the ego's thought system."
In fact, we are cautioned in one passage that Jesus subtly described a Freud's thought system, because Freud was brilliant in describing the intricacies of the ego's thought system, that he called something else, but all the different ways that the ego's thought system works in the unconscious and burrow its way up into our conscious awareness. And in the text, Jesus is telling us: "You don't have to do this. You don't have to look to all the complexity of the ego's thought system. We simply look at it, recognize the purpose that it serves, and say: I don't want this anymore." But we cannot say that, unless we compare choosing to remain in the water and exploring all this vast and fascinating underwater life, contrasting how wonderful it will feel to continue to swim across and get to the other side. And when we get to the other side, we realize that there is no lake to even swim across. There was no water; there was no underwater life. The whole thing was just a silly charade (易識破的偽裝), also a fantasy that never happened.
So finally again, in order to attain our ultimate goal of the real world, is to look at the ego's thought system, realize the cost to us ever happened is peace, and then say "this is no longer what I wish."
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