"The ego analyzes; the Holy Spirit accepts"
今天早上我們要談的是課程中的一個句子:「小我擅於分析,聖靈只是接納。(T-11 V. 13: 1)」。小我用來對抗上主──如同它對抗我們做決定的心靈一般──最大的武器之一就是「判斷」。判斷總是和分析攜手共進,而與判斷和分析並肩同行的則是神智不清,我們根本無法了解這世界、我們的生活究竟是怎麼一回事、為何我們或身邊的人會做出某些事情、或為何我們所選出來的政府官員會做出某些事情。我們總是在試圖分析、了解、判斷。而這正是小我的策略,為了讓我們以為這裡有某些頭號重要的事情,讓我們以為自己可以理解這世界的某些事,並且認為它們合理有意義 (sense)。然而事實真相是,真正有意義的即是「這裡的一切都沒有意義」,因為當初造出這世界的用意就是為了要將我們阻隔於真正的意義 (Sense) 之外。
This morning we will talk about a sentence in the Course that says "The ego analyzes; the Holy Spirit accepts. (T-11 V. 13: 1)" One of the ego's major weapons in its war against God, as if its war against the decision-making part of our mind, is "judgement". And judgement and analysis go hand in hand. And along side and side of the judgement and analysis is the insanity that we can't possibly understand what goes on in this world. That we can't possibly understand what goes on in our world. That we don't understand why we do things, why people around do things, why people be elected to public office do things, and we're always trying to analyze, to understand, to judge. And all this is nothing more or less than an ego ploy, that keeps us thinking that there is something here number one to there is something here in this world that we can understand and make sense of. But the truth of matter is the only thing that makes sense is that nothing here makes sense. Because the whole world was made to keep Sense away from us.
On the other hand, "the holy spirit accepts", meaning that without trying to understand or analyze anything, all that the holy spirit tries to have us do is whenever we are confronted by in advance a situation, circumstance, occurrence or relationship, that we simply accept that this is what we have chosen. And the only thing that is important at this point is whether we choose to look at the event, situation, relationship through the holy spirit's eyes, or through the eyes of the ego. And if we look through the eyes of the ego, once again, we are always tempted to try to make sense of what is going on. In other words, the only meaningful way of relating to anything in this world, and especially our relationships in this world, is "do I look at this situation through the eyes of peace, or through the eyes of judgement?"
This is part of an important message that Helen has received from Jesus a number of years after the Course was finished or being in scribe. When Helen has asked Jesus "What should I say to this person who is in need or help?" And Jesus's answer was "Don't ask what you should say, ask instead that I help you look at this person again through the eyes of peace and not judgement." In other words, accept the situation as it is, and don't try to judge, or evaluate, or make sense of it, "go within where I am", Jesus was telling Helen, "experience my love, accept my love, and the loving answer will come through you, in something that you think, something that you feel, something that you say, something that you do." In fact, after that since Jesus said and then "all the help have had all the angels of heaven come to your aid", meaning that the love in your mind that you have accepted, rather than having prior accepted the ego. That love will guide whatever you say and do.
我先前提到去接納一切狀況都是我們的選擇,指的是課程中的一個基本概念,也就是時間在根本上的非真實性:時間並非線性,且一切都已經發生。我並不打算要在此深入這個概念,但重點在於每天我們在此所經歷的一切只是一部編寫完成的劇碼,亦即所謂「在腦海裡重溫一遍陳年往事而已 (M-158. 4:5)。」因此重要的不是我們選擇了什麼、其他人選擇了什麼、或者為何事情發生在我們身上,而是一旦我們面臨某些情況時,做出唯一有意義的選擇:究竟要透過平安的眼光、還是判斷的眼光來看這件事。這個事件究竟要成為我可從中學習的功課,好讓我過得更快樂;還是要來強化我的焦慮、緊張和內咎呢?
I said a moment ago that we simply accept that the situation is what we have chosen, I'm informing a more basic teaching of the Course of the fundamental unreality of time, that time is not linear and that everything has already happened. I'm not going to any depth of this morning with you, but the idea is that every day that we experience here is simply as a repertoire since says, a "reviewing mentally of what has already gone by (M-158. 4:5)". All that's important is not we have chosen something, why someone else has chosen something, why things happen to us, all that's important once again is that once we are confronted by the situation that our only meaningful choice is whether I look at this through the eyes of peace, or the eyes of judgement. Does this situation call for a lesson that my learning it will make me happy, or it would reinforce my anxiety, my tension and my guilt?
在課堂上提到這個時,我經常舉的一個例子是,當我在高速公路上開車時遇到爆胎的情況,問題不是「為何我會爆胎」、「為何某個人要把它放在那裡」或「為何我會吸引到這根釘子」等等。當我的車爆胎時,我想的是「輪胎必須更換」,那麼接下來是否要自己更換,還是要打電話給 A 修車廠、B 修車廠還是 C 修車廠請他們協助我。重要的是,我進行一切動作時是基於平安的心態,而不是焦慮、緊張、憤怒或沮喪等等。
An example I frequently use when I make this point in classes, is that when I find myself driving on the highway and I get a flat tire, that the issue is not why I got the flat tire, why did somebody put it out there, and why I attract the nail, on and on and on. All what's important is that once there is a flat tire to my car, that I think to it the tire to be changed whether I do it myself, or call for Triple A or Pasi Motors to help me. All that matters is that I do so peacefully instead of anxiety, tension, anger, or depression, etc.
So in other words, the way we go through our day is try to be as peaceful as possible, recognizing that nothing outside of us can affect us in any way. Once I'm free from that terrible burden I'm trying to understand and analyze what is going on, and why is going on, and how I should respond in form based on what's going on. Once I can accept that, and accept the holy spirit's correction instead, then my life would be a quiet joy, regardless of what's going on around me, regardless of what I think I understand.
我想以耶穌所說的另一個段落來結尾:「你寧可相信自己的了解具有左右真理的力量,真理全靠你的了解才可能成真 (T-18 IV. 7:5)」。因此「身為知識分子,我要試著分析並了解發生的一切」,這是你應放下的選擇。再次提醒,你一切所需的只是靜靜地接納真相,而真相即為練習手冊第 5 課所言:「我絕不是為了我所認定的理由而煩惱」,以及第 34 課「即使在這事上,我仍能看到平安」。
I'm going to conclude by citing another passage what Jesus says that "You are still convinced that your understanding is a powerful contribution to the truth, and makes it what it is. (T-18 IV. 7:5)" So that's a selection put down for all, "I would be intellectual, who again tries to analyze and understand what's going on." All that needed once again is that quiet acceptance of the truth. And the truth is "I am never upset for the reason I think", as Lesson 5 says, and "I can see peace instead of this", Lesson 34.
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