一位我相當景仰的醫師 Jerry Jampolsky 寫了一本書「Aging With Attitude」。他認為我們快樂與否,並非取決於外在的一切境遇,而是如一看待每件事情的心態。我們無法、也無須扭轉老去的趨勢,只要決心轉變心境,就能讓自己與身邊眾人生命的品質更加美好。
老齡態度指南 (Aging With Attitude)
1. 選擇看出:執著於定罪與罪惡感毫無價值。
2. 不依他人的行為來判斷對方有罪或無罪。
3. 選擇寬恕他人和自己,而這就和呼吸一樣重要。
4. 選擇以輕鬆點的眼光來看待自己的一切。
5. 選擇帶點幽默感來看待自己。
6. 認出生氣和怪罪毫無價值。
7. 決定對自己和他人保持恆長的耐心。
8. 生命的導航方向:無論當下或未來的問題是什麼,愛都是解方。
9. 相信當自己不再抱怨自己的年齡,以及任何可能的身體狀況時,日子會更加愉悅而平靜。
10. 以仁慈而柔軟的態度對待自己、以及他人。
11. 懷抱著一顆真誠、尊重與好奇的心,看待自己與他人。
12. 更有意識地選擇去付出,而不是只想獲得。
13. 試著帶著無條件的關懷心聆聽每個人的話語,不設定例外。
14. 試著放下任何批評。
15. 帶著更多的耐心看待自己、他人和生活中的各種事件。
16. 別忘記把眼光放在值得感恩的事情上。要擁有快樂的人生,每一天都很重要。
17. 優雅度日,笑口常開。
18. 看待每個人的方式:別只注意燈罩的樣子,而應著眼於燈的光芒。
19. 想像有個四歲的孩子住在你的心裡:頑皮、活在當下,還未學習時間的意義,也不知道過去與未來的差別。他/她傻呼呼的,也很愛笑,不需要任何理由就能嘰嘰咯咯地笑起來。
20. 試著越過表象,看見每個人與你自己內在的單純和光芒。
21. 選擇當一個著眼於愛的人 (love-finder),而不是找碴的人 (fault-finder)。
22. 看出任何擔心掛慮都毫無價值,只是一個讓自己受苦的決定。
23. 無論身體的狀況如何,都願意看出:心靈依然可以充滿活力,而不是要死不活,且更珍視自己的內在價值。
24. 跟隨內心的感覺做決定,而不是頭腦的聲音。
25. 無論外頭晴雨,都有全權的決定讓內心出太陽。
26. 被生活或內在的煩惱困住時,別忘了音樂能舒緩你緊繃的心。
27. 讓「心存善念」成為自己每一天的主旋律。
28. 信任有個超越自己的更高智慧、生命秩序存在。
29. 選擇讓自己在每一天都同理他人,彷彿同理心是你 DNA 的一部分 (而它確實是!)。
30. 別忘了:唯有強大的人敢於展現自己的柔軟。
31. 願意放下恐懼而選擇愛時,就能感受生命的安全、輕盈、自由。
32. 若相信真實的生命永恆長存,死亡就能卸下令人恐懼的面具。
33. 事事不順的時候,試著將自己的念頭放在幫助他人上,看看會有什麼改變。
34. 還有另一種看待健康的方式:心靈的平安。而療癒即是放下恐懼。
35. 下定決心、並全心相信:無論身體的狀態、發生的事件,今天都能成為人生中最快樂的一天。
1. 選擇看出:執著於定罪與罪惡感毫無價值。
2. 不依他人的行為來判斷對方有罪或無罪。
3. 選擇寬恕他人和自己,而這就和呼吸一樣重要。
4. 選擇以輕鬆點的眼光來看待自己的一切。
5. 選擇帶點幽默感來看待自己。
6. 認出生氣和怪罪毫無價值。
7. 決定對自己和他人保持恆長的耐心。
8. 生命的導航方向:無論當下或未來的問題是什麼,愛都是解方。
9. 相信當自己不再抱怨自己的年齡,以及任何可能的身體狀況時,日子會更加愉悅而平靜。
10. 以仁慈而柔軟的態度對待自己、以及他人。
11. 懷抱著一顆真誠、尊重與好奇的心,看待自己與他人。
12. 更有意識地選擇去付出,而不是只想獲得。
13. 試著帶著無條件的關懷心聆聽每個人的話語,不設定例外。
14. 試著放下任何批評。
15. 帶著更多的耐心看待自己、他人和生活中的各種事件。
16. 別忘記把眼光放在值得感恩的事情上。要擁有快樂的人生,每一天都很重要。
17. 優雅度日,笑口常開。
18. 看待每個人的方式:別只注意燈罩的樣子,而應著眼於燈的光芒。
19. 想像有個四歲的孩子住在你的心裡:頑皮、活在當下,還未學習時間的意義,也不知道過去與未來的差別。他/她傻呼呼的,也很愛笑,不需要任何理由就能嘰嘰咯咯地笑起來。
20. 試著越過表象,看見每個人與你自己內在的單純和光芒。
21. 選擇當一個著眼於愛的人 (love-finder),而不是找碴的人 (fault-finder)。
22. 看出任何擔心掛慮都毫無價值,只是一個讓自己受苦的決定。
23. 無論身體的狀況如何,都願意看出:心靈依然可以充滿活力,而不是要死不活,且更珍視自己的內在價值。
24. 跟隨內心的感覺做決定,而不是頭腦的聲音。
25. 無論外頭晴雨,都有全權的決定讓內心出太陽。
26. 被生活或內在的煩惱困住時,別忘了音樂能舒緩你緊繃的心。
27. 讓「心存善念」成為自己每一天的主旋律。
28. 信任有個超越自己的更高智慧、生命秩序存在。
29. 選擇讓自己在每一天都同理他人,彷彿同理心是你 DNA 的一部分 (而它確實是!)。
30. 別忘了:唯有強大的人敢於展現自己的柔軟。
31. 願意放下恐懼而選擇愛時,就能感受生命的安全、輕盈、自由。
32. 若相信真實的生命永恆長存,死亡就能卸下令人恐懼的面具。
33. 事事不順的時候,試著將自己的念頭放在幫助他人上,看看會有什麼改變。
34. 還有另一種看待健康的方式:心靈的平安。而療癒即是放下恐懼。
35. 下定決心、並全心相信:無論身體的狀態、發生的事件,今天都能成為人生中最快樂的一天。
Aging With Attitude Guidelines
1. Choose to no longer see value in holding on to guilt.
2. Resist the temptation to interpret people’s behavior to decide who is “innocent” and who is “guilty.”
3. Choose to make forgiving others and yourself as important as breathing.
4. Choose to not take yourself too seriously.
5. Choose to keep a good sense of humor about yourself.
6. Begin to see no value in anger or in making others wrong.
7. Decide to see the value of infinite patience with yourself and others.
8. Learn to see value in living your life based on the belief that love is the answer to any problem you have now or any problem you think you have in the future.
9. Start to believe that when you stop complaining about your age, and about what may be happening to your body, your day will be more happy and peace-filled.
10. Be kind and tender to others as well as to yourself.
11. Be authentic, respectful and have the same interest in others as you do in yourself.
12. Choose to live in a consciousness of giving instead of just getting.
13. Listen to all others, with no exceptions, with unconditional love.
14. Let go of all of your judgments.
15. See the value of being infinitely patient with yourself, others, and the circumstances of your life.
16. Remember that finding things to be grateful for each day is the key to having a happy life.
17. Choose to live your life in grace—and laugh a lot.
18. See the Light in everyone rather than their lampshade.
19. Imagine that there is a 4-year-old child inside your heart, who is playful, who lives in the present, who cannot tell time yet, who doesn’t yet understand the difference between yesterday and tomorrow, who likes to be silly and laugh and giggle most of the time, for no particular reason.
20. Look beyond the body and see the innocence and Light in everyone including your self.
21. Choose to be a love-finder rather than a fault-finder.
22. Choose to believe the truth that there is no value in worrying about anything—that to worry is a decision to suffer.
23. No matter what is going on in your body, choose spiritually to be fully alive, and not half-dead, and to celebrate your spiritual core inside your heart.
24. Make decisions by following your heart rather than your head.
25. Decide to let the sun shine in your heart regardless of the weather outside.
26. When you get stuck in life or in your head, remember that music can set you free.
27. Make “Loving Kindness” your song of the day, every day.
28. Choose to have faith and trust in something that is higher than yourself.
29. Choose to act every day and night as if compassion was the center of your DNA—which it really is!
30. Remember that only the strong can ever dare to be gentle.
31. By seeing the value of letting go of fear and experiencing love, you can find it safe to become transparent and translucent. And free!
32. When you choose to believe that life is eternal, death need not be viewed as fearful.
33. If you find you are having a bad day, re-focus your thoughts on helping someone else.
34. Another way of looking at health is to see it as inner peace and healing as the letting go of fear.
35. Choose to make a decision—and totally believe it—that this day is going to be the happiest day of your life, regardless of what is put on your plate, and regardless of the state of your body.
1. Choose to no longer see value in holding on to guilt.
2. Resist the temptation to interpret people’s behavior to decide who is “innocent” and who is “guilty.”
3. Choose to make forgiving others and yourself as important as breathing.
4. Choose to not take yourself too seriously.
5. Choose to keep a good sense of humor about yourself.
6. Begin to see no value in anger or in making others wrong.
7. Decide to see the value of infinite patience with yourself and others.
8. Learn to see value in living your life based on the belief that love is the answer to any problem you have now or any problem you think you have in the future.
9. Start to believe that when you stop complaining about your age, and about what may be happening to your body, your day will be more happy and peace-filled.
10. Be kind and tender to others as well as to yourself.
11. Be authentic, respectful and have the same interest in others as you do in yourself.
12. Choose to live in a consciousness of giving instead of just getting.
13. Listen to all others, with no exceptions, with unconditional love.
14. Let go of all of your judgments.
15. See the value of being infinitely patient with yourself, others, and the circumstances of your life.
16. Remember that finding things to be grateful for each day is the key to having a happy life.
17. Choose to live your life in grace—and laugh a lot.
18. See the Light in everyone rather than their lampshade.
19. Imagine that there is a 4-year-old child inside your heart, who is playful, who lives in the present, who cannot tell time yet, who doesn’t yet understand the difference between yesterday and tomorrow, who likes to be silly and laugh and giggle most of the time, for no particular reason.
20. Look beyond the body and see the innocence and Light in everyone including your self.
21. Choose to be a love-finder rather than a fault-finder.
22. Choose to believe the truth that there is no value in worrying about anything—that to worry is a decision to suffer.
23. No matter what is going on in your body, choose spiritually to be fully alive, and not half-dead, and to celebrate your spiritual core inside your heart.
24. Make decisions by following your heart rather than your head.
25. Decide to let the sun shine in your heart regardless of the weather outside.
26. When you get stuck in life or in your head, remember that music can set you free.
27. Make “Loving Kindness” your song of the day, every day.
28. Choose to have faith and trust in something that is higher than yourself.
29. Choose to act every day and night as if compassion was the center of your DNA—which it really is!
30. Remember that only the strong can ever dare to be gentle.
31. By seeing the value of letting go of fear and experiencing love, you can find it safe to become transparent and translucent. And free!
32. When you choose to believe that life is eternal, death need not be viewed as fearful.
33. If you find you are having a bad day, re-focus your thoughts on helping someone else.
34. Another way of looking at health is to see it as inner peace and healing as the letting go of fear.
35. Choose to make a decision—and totally believe it—that this day is going to be the happiest day of your life, regardless of what is put on your plate, and regardless of the state of your body.
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